V I  A L P H A


Export Internet Data to Excel  

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It helps you to place data from Internet sites to the needed cells inside your MS Excel files.
Simply go to the Internet and press a button "Do Export to Excel".


you often should go to the same internet site, there enter the custom's name


address, select a country, select "man" or "woman", enter a big memo with contract details etc. Then again enter the same data (name, address etc) to the sheet "List1" of MS Excel file "Contracts.xls" for print it out as a Contract. VIAlpha can do it for you automatically.

How it works:

  • go to the internet site and fill the form with data (for example name, address etc)
  • press a button "Export to Excel"
  • in dialog select an MS Excel file you are using to fill from internet (for ex. "Contracts.xls")
  • a new sheet "VIAlpha" will be created inside this Excel file
  • in this new sheet "VIAlpha" you will see a table like this:

ID Name Type Value Index to Cell to List
Custom_name Text1 text Armstrong 0
Custom_country Select1 select-one USA 1

now all you need is to enter the cell and list address for every element (Custom_name and/or Custom_country etc) inside your Excel file "Contracts.xls".
For example in this case:

ID Name Type Value Index to Cell to List
Custom_name Text1 text Armstrong 0 A1 List1
Custom_country Select1 select-one USA 1 A2 List1

Custom_name (Armstrong or any other you will entered) will be placed in the cell A1 (cell at first row, first column) of sheet "List1" and Custom_country will be placed in the cell A2 of sheet "List1" inside the file "Contracts.xls". Now next time you go to the same internet site and press "Export to Excel", the new data you have entered will be placed in Excel file according "to Cell" and "to List" values for every element of internet page.

Possible types of HTML elements can be used:

  • text
  • checkbox
  • radio
  • hidden
  • select-one
  • select-multiple
  • textarea
  • img
  • table


  • "text" and "textarea" values are inserted to Excell cell as they was entered to internet form
  • "checkbox" and "radio" values are inserted to Excell cell as "Yes" or "No"
  • "select-one" and "select-multiple" values are inserted to Excell cell as content of selected line (first selected line only)
  • "img" values are inserted to Excell cell as an address of image file
  • "table" values are inserted to Excell sheet as a table with a left-upper corner accordong "to Cell"
  • you do not need to enter all exists "to Cell" and "to List", use only elements you need
  • you can insert the same element to different cells and lists. Simly repeat the index value with a different "to Cell" and "to List":

...   1   A1   List1
...   1   A1   List2
...   1   B2   List3

The same value with Index = 1 (Custom_country) will be placed in cells A1 of List, A1 of List2 and B2 of List3

  • VIAlpha was tested with MS Excel 2003 xls files. If you have MS Excel 2007 or higher, please export your xlss file to xls file to use it with VIAlpha
  • values from internet form are saved to "VIAlpha" sheet in a short form like "Very long line is limite...". Full values are saved to the file "TMP_OUT.TXT" inside native directory of VIAlpha
  • List of internet addresses you have visit are stored to the file "ADDRESSES.TXT" inside native directory of VIAlpha. You can edit this file in a text editor
  • you can save an internet page you often used as a html file (one html file only) and open this file in VIAlpha without internet connection
  • you can open together a lot of any files supported by your MS Internet Explorer (txt, jpg, avi, mp3, doc, xls, rtf, zip etc)
  • sheet "VIAlpha" is being created the first time you press "Export to Excel". If you need to create it again, simply delete sheet "VIAlpha" from Excel file.